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Nautical Chart List (maps)

        All the nautical chart specification object information classes supported by this map. It used to describes the objects infos for each product, including the name, type, the related attributes and so on.

Object List:

Administration Area (Named) ADMARE 行政区 A 1.0
Airport/airfield AIRARE 机场 PA 2.0
Anchor berth ACHBRT 锚位 PA 3.0
Anchorage area ACHARE 锚泊区 PA 4.0
Beacon, cardinal BCNCAR 方位立标 P 5.0
Beacon, isolated danger BCNISD 孤立危险物立标 P 6.0
Beacon, lateral BCNLAT 侧面立标 P 7.0
Beacon, safe water BCNSAW 安全水域立标 P 8.0
Beacon, special purpose/general BCNSPP 专用通用立标 P 9.0
Berth BERTHS 泊位 PLA 10.0
Bridge BRIDGE 桥梁 PLA 11.0
Building, single BUISGL 单体建筑物 PA 12.0
Built-up area BUAARE 建筑群区 PA 13.0
Buoy, cardinal BOYCAR 方位浮标 P 14.0
Buoy, installation BOYINB 作业浮标 P 15.0
Buoy, isolated danger BOYISD 孤立危险物浮标 P 16.0
Buoy, lateral BOYLAT 侧面浮标 P 17.0
Buoy, safe water BOYSAW 安全水域浮标 P 18.0
Buoy, special purpose/general BOYSPP 专用通用浮标 P 19.0
Cable area CBLARE 电缆区 A 20.0
Cable, overhead CBLOHD 架空电缆 L 21.0
Cable, submarine CBLSUB 海底电缆 L 22.0
Canal CANALS 运河渠道 LA 23.0
Cargo transhipment area CTSARE 货物过驳区 PA 25.0
Causeway CAUSWY 长堤栈道 LA 26.0
Caution area CTNARE 警告区 PA 27.0
Checkpoint CHKPNT 检查站 PA 28.0
Coastguard station CGUSTA 海岸警卫站 P 29.0
Coastline COALNE 海岸线 L 30.0
Contiguous zone CONZNE 毗连区 A 31.0
Continental shelf area COSARE 大陆架 A 32.0
Control point CTRPNT 控制点 P 33.0
Conveyor CONVYR 传送装置 LA 34.0
Crane CRANES 起重机 PA 35.0
Current - non-gravitational CURENT 非重力流 P 36.0
Custom zone CUSZNE 关税区 A 37.0
Dam DAMCON 水坝 PLA 38.0
Daymark DAYMAR 昼标 P 39.0
Deep water route centerline DWRTCL 深水航道中心线 L 40.0
Deep water route part DWRTPT 深水航道部分 A 41.0
Depth area DEPARE 深度范围 LA 42.0
Depth contour DEPCNT 等深线 L 43.0
Distance mark DISMAR 距离标志 P 44.0
Dock area DOCARE 港池区 A 45.0
Dredged area DRGARE 疏浚区 A 46.0
Dry dock DRYDOC 干船坞 A 47.0
Dumping ground DMPGRD 倾废厂 PA 48.0
Dyke DYKCON LA 49.0
Exclusive economic zone EXEZNE 专属经济区 A 50.0
Fairway FAIRWY 航道 A 51.0
Fence FNCLNE 栅栏线 L 52.0
Ferry route FERYRT 轮渡航路 LA 53.0
Fishery zone FSHZNE 渔业区 A 54.0
Fishing facility FSHFAC 捕鱼设备 PLA 55.0
Fishing ground FSHGRD 渔场 A 56.0
Floating dock FLODOC 浮船坞 LA 57.0
Fog signal FOGSIG 雾号 P 58.0
Fortified structure FORSTC 防御工事 PLA 59.0
Free port area FRPARE 自由港区 A 60.0
Gate GATCON PLA 61.0
Gridiron GRIDRN 船台 PA 62.0
Harbour area (administrative) HRBARE 行政港区 A 63.0
Harbour facility HRBFAC 港口设备 PA 64.0
Hulk HULKES 趸船 PA 65.0
Ice area ICEARE 冰区 A 66.0
Incineration area ICNARE 废物焚烧场 PA 67.0
Inshore traffic zone ISTZNE 近岸交通区 A 68.0
Lake LAKARE 湖泊 A 69.0
Land area LNDARE 陆地区 PLA 71.0
Land elevation LNDELV 地面高程 PL 72.0
Land region LNDRGN 地面地带 PA 73.0
Landmark LNDMRK 陆标 PLA 74.0
Light LIGHTS 灯标 P 75.0
Light float LITFLT 灯浮 P 76.0
Light vessel LITVES 灯船 P 77.0
Local magnetic anomaly LOCMAG 局部磁力异常 PLA 78.0
Lock basin LOKBSN 船闸 A 79.0
Log pond LOGPON 储木池 PA 80.0
Magnetic variation MAGVAR 磁差 PLA 81.0
Marine farm/culture MARCUL 海水养殖场 PLA 82.0
Military practice area MIPARE 军事演习区 PA 83.0
Mooring/warping facility MORFAC 系泊绞缆设备 PLA 84.0
Navigation line NAVLNE 导航线 L 85.0
Obstruction OBSTRN 障碍物 PLA 86.0
Offshore platform OFSPLF 海上平台 PA 87.0
Offshore production area OSPARE 海上作业区 A 88.0
Oil barrier OILBAR 油障 L 89.0
Pile PILPNT 木桩 P 90.0
Pilot boarding place PILBOP 引航员登船点 PA 91.0
Pipeline area PIPARE 管道区 PA 92.0
Pipeline, overhead PIPOHD 架空管道 L 93.0
Pipeline, submarine/on land PIPSOL 海底陆地管道 PL 94.0
Pontoon PONTON 浮码头 LA 95.0
Precautionary area PRCARE 警戒区 PA 96.0
Production/storage area PRDARE 生产仓储区 PA 97.0
Pylon/bridge support PYLONS 支架桥墩 PA 98.0
Radar line RADLNE 雷达线 L 99.0
Radar range RADRNG 雷达有效作用范围 A 100.0
Radar reflector RADRFL 雷达反射器 P 101.0
Radar station RADSTA 雷达站 P 102.0
Radar transponder beacon RTPBCN 雷达应答器 P 103.0
Radio calling-in point RDOCAL 无线电呼叫点 PL 104.0
Radio station RDOSTA 无线电台 P 105.0
Railway RAILWY 铁路 L 106.0
Rapids RAPIDS 急流 PLA 107.0
Recommended route centerline RCRTCL 推荐航道中心线 L 108.0
Recommended track RECTRC 推荐航道 LA 109.0
Recommended traffic lane part RCTLPT 推荐航道分道 PA 110.0
Rescue station RSCSTA 救助站 P 111.0
Restricted area RESARE 受限区域 A 112.0
Retro-reflector RETRFL 反射器 P 113.0
River RIVERS 河流 LA 114.0
Road ROADWY 道路 PLA 116.0
Runway RUNWAY 跑道 PLA 117.0
Sand waves SNDWAV 沙纹 PLA 118.0
Sea area/named water area SEAARE 海域命名水域 PA 119.0
Sea-plane landing area SPLARE 海上飞机起降区 PA 120.0
Seabed area SBDARE 海床区 PLA 121.0
Shoreline Construction SLCONS 岸线结构物 PLA 122.0
Signal station, traffic SISTAT 交通信号站 P 123.0
Signal station, warning SISTAW 告警信号站 P 124.0
Silo/tank SILTNK 筒仓罐 PA 125.0
Slope topline SLOTOP 坡顶线 L 126.0
Sloping ground SLOGRD 倾斜地面 PA 127.0
Small craft facility SMCFAC 小型船用设备 PA 128.0
Sounding SOUNDG 水深 P 129.0
Spring SPRING 喷泉 P 130.0
Straight territorial sea baseline STSLNE 连续领海基线 L 132.0
Submarine transit lane SUBTLN 潜水艇航道 A 133.0
Swept area SWPARE 扫测区 A 134.0
Territorial sea area TESARE 领海区 A 135.0
Tidal stream - harmonic prediction TS_PRH 调和常数预测潮流 PA 136.0
Tidal stream - non harmonic prediction TS_PNH 非调和常数预测潮流 PA 137.0
Tidal stream panel data TS_PAD 潮流表数据 PA 138.0
Tidal stream time series TS_TIS 时序潮流 PA 139.0
Tide - harmonic prediction T_HMON 调和常数预测潮汐 PA 140.0
Tide - non-harmonic prediction T_NHMN 非调和常数预测潮汐 PA 141.0
Tide - time series T_TIMS 时序潮汐 PA 142.0
Tideway TIDEWY 潮路 LA 143.0
Topmark TOPMAR 顶标 P 144.0
Traffic separation line TSELNE 通航分隔线 L 145.0
Traffic separation scheme boundary TSSBND 分道通航制边界 L 146.0
Traffic separation scheme crossing TSSCRS 分道通航制交汇处 A 147.0
Traffic separation scheme lane part TSSLPT 分道通航制分道 A 148.0
Traffic separation scheme roundabout TSSRON 分道通航制环形道 A 149.0
Traffic separation zone TSEZNE 通航分隔带 A 150.0
Tunnel TUNNEL 隧道 PLA 151.0
Two-way route part TWRTPT 双向航道分道 A 152.0
Underwater/awash rock UWTROC 暗礁适淹礁 P 153.0
Unsurveyed area UNSARE 未测区 A 154.0
Vegetation VEGATN 植被 PLA 155.0
Water turbulence WATTUR 紊流 PLA 156.0
Waterfall WATFAL 瀑布 PL 157.0
Weed/Kelp WEDKLP 海草巨型海藻 PA 158.0
Wreck WRECKS 沉船 PA 159.0
Tidal streams - Flood/Ebb TS_FEB 涨退潮流 PA 160.0
Archipelagic Sea Lane ARCSLN 群岛海域航道 A 161.0
Archipelagic Sea Lane Axis ASLXIS 群岛海域航道中心线 L 162.0
New ObjectClass NEWOBJ 新物标 PLA 163.0
Accuracy of data M_ACCY 数据精度 A 300.0
Compilation scale of data M_CSCL 数据编辑比例尺 A 301.0
Coverage M_COVR 覆盖范围 A 302.0
Horizontal datum shift parameters M_HOPA 水平基准面变换参数 A 304.0
Nautical publication information M_NPUB 航海出版物信息 PA 305.0
Navigational system of marks M_NSYS 航海标志 A 306.0
Quality of data M_QUAL 数据质量 A 308.0
Sounding datum M_SDAT 水深基准面 A 309.0
Survey reliability M_SREL 测量可靠性 LA 310.0
Vertical datum of data M_VDAT 数据垂直基准面 A 312.0
Aggregation C_AGGR 集合 N 400.0
Association C_ASSO 关联 N 401.0
Text TEXTS_ 文本 P 504.0
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